

I do not offer workshops online, but I am available for in-person teaching. All supply lists will be offered when workshops are booked. I am also available to teach any of my own patterns.

Easing into Improv

Feeling stuck on where and how to start your first improv quilt? In this class we’ll cover the basics of ruler-free cutting, sewing without pins and building blocks. No matching of seams makes improv easy and liberating, making you confident in no time. 

We’ll cover:  half-square triangles, quarter circle curves, soft curves, improv triangles/flying geese.

3 hours

Curves and Inset Circles

In this workshop we will work with orange peels that overlap each other and create a transparency effect. Participants will learn tips and more than one way to sew curves. We will work on matching seams for a precise finish. We will work from paper templates to accurately cut and piece our curves in this workshop.

3 hours

EPP by Machine with Y-Seams

If you love the look of EPP but hate hand sewing, learn to transfer that to the machine in this workshop. We’ll cover EPP patterns with straight lines (no curves), sewing y-seams, and how to press. Acrylic templates will be available for use in the workshop, or you can bring your own for any large EPP block pattern without curves that you own with y-seams.

3 hours

Half-Rectangle Triangles

Learn to sew and trim half-rectangle triangles easily while working on the Three Eyes quilt pattern. We will cover multiple ways to sew and trim half-rectangle triangles. Participants will gain confidence in handling half-rectangle triangles without intimidation and ease. We will work to finish half of one of the eyes of the quilt in this workshop.

3 hours

Quilt Coat

In this workshop participants will make the Tamarack by Grainline Studios using either quilted panels or a quilt they’ve already made (no antique quilts please). We’ll cover adding patch pockets, a hood or collar if desired, and how to add a zipper if you choose to do that instead of snaps. Some prep-work will need to be done for this workshop in advance, as well as purchasing the pattern and hood/collar add-on if desired. 

6 hours

Thirsty for FPP

In this 3-hour workshop, learn to foundation paper piece with a fun juice block. All block patterns are included in the class if you choose to start with one of the other patterns instead. Tips and tricks for FPP will be provided, as well as a hand out of tips. Students will leave confident to tackle any FPP pattern in the future.

3 hours


Easing into Improv Trunk Show

In this trunk show I'll show many examples of improv quilting and how to get started if you don't know where to start. I share how some of the quilts have been made, and answer any questions.  | 45-60 minutes